tisimst wrote: > Can you post your (compilable) source file and resulting PDF so we can see > exactly what's going on?
Thank you kindly. The pdf looks okay, extra top-margin is added after printing, i see it clearly now here. example sourcefile: \version "2.18.2" date = #(strftime "%A %d %B %Y, %M minute(s) past %H," (localtime (current-time))) \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") #(layout-set-absolute-staff-size (* 22 pt)) indent = #0 top-margin = 0.5\in bottom-margin = 0.5\in top-markup-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0)) %paper-height = 11\in %paper-width = 8.5\in %% prevents the title and composer name from being too close %markup-system-spacing #'padding = #0.5 %% prevents the music from being too close to the page number (after the first page) %top-system-spacing #'padding = #0.5 %system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 16) (padding . 1)) ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##t ragged-last = ##t %ragged-last = ##t %oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line \with-color #darkblue { % {\fontsize #-2 \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string }} evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line \with-color #darkblue { {\fontsize #-2 \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string }} } \header { title = \markup \with-color #grey \fontsize #7.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Nr 7" }} subtitle = \markup \with-color #grey \fontsize #3 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Opus 48, 24 etudes" }} %subtitle = \markup \fontsize #5.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Sonatine one" }} %subtitle = \markup \fontsize #5.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Maestoso" }} %instrument = \markup \fontsize #-2.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Tinos") { "Solo Guitar" }} %tagline = ##f tagline = \markup {\bold\italic\with-color #blue \fontsize #-5.5 {\override #'(box-padding . 2.5) \box \line {\with-color #darkred \line {Thank you \with-url #"http://lilypond.org/" Lilypond & \with-url #"http://www.frescobaldi.org /" Frescobaldi for creating the software to produce this document!\line {\hspace #0.3 Processed: \date Lilypond version: #(lilypond-version) }}}}} %tagline = \markup \with-color #darkred \fontsize #-4.0 "Thanks to www.lilypond.org & www.frescobaldi.org for creating the software to produce this document." composer = \markup \with-color #blue \fontsize #4.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Mauro Giuliani (1781 - 1829)" }} } global = { \key f \major \defaultTimeSignature \time 4/4 \tempo \markup \fontsize #7.0 \with-color #darkred \override #'(font-name . "Respective Slanted") "Allegretto" \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn } RHp = \rightHandFinger #1 RHi = \rightHandFinger #2 RHm = \rightHandFinger #3 RHa = \rightHandFinger #4 RHx = \rightHandFinger #5 stringNumberSpanner = #(define-music-function (parser location StringNumber) (string?) #{ \override TextSpanner.style = #'solid \override TextSpanner.font-size = #-5 \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 1) } \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup {\circle\number $StringNumber } #}) barre = #(define-music-function (parser location text) (string?) #{ \once \override TextSpanner.dash-fraction = #'() \once \override TextSpanner.font-shape = #'italic \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -1) } \once \override TextSpanner.style = #'line \once \override TextSpanner.padding = #0 \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details #'left #'text = $text \once \override TextSpanner.font-size = #-4 #}) % 1: highest classicalGuitarVoiceOne = \relative c' { \global \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down) \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down) r1 | r1 | r16 <bes!-3><g'-4> (<e-0>) r16 <bes-3><b-0>(<c-1>) r16 bes g' (e) r16 bes b (c) | r <bes-4><c-1><e-0><g-1><e-3><bes'-4>(<a-3>)<g-1><f-4>\(<e-0>\)\slurDown <d-3>\(<c-1><b-0>\)<bes-3><g-0> | %5 f4 r r2 | r1 | r16 <f-3><d'-4> f, r f <as-1>\(<g-0>\) r f d' f, r f as\( g\) | r <d-0><g-0><d'-4><f-1>\( e\) d c <b-0> c d c b a\( g\) f | %9 <e-2>8<bes-1>16<e-4> des e <c-3> e bes e des e c e bes e | r <f-3><c'-1> f, <b-0> f c' f, r f c' f, f' f, e' f, | <e'-0> <f,-3><d'-4> f, <cis'-2> f, d' f, r g d' g, g' g, f' g, | %12 <f'-1> g, <e'-0> g, dis' g, e' g, r <a-1><e'-0> a, <a'-4> a, <g'-2> a, | <g'-4><a,-2><f'-1> a, <e'-0> a, f' a, r <c-1><g'-4> c, <fis-3> c g' c, |\barre "III " r\startTextSpan <c-3><a'-4> c,\stopTextSpan <gis'-2> c, a' c,\barre "V " r\startTextSpan c <bes'-2> c, r <c-1><g'-4> c, | %14 r <c-1><c'-4> c, r c a' c, r c <bes'-2> c, r <c-1> <g'-4> c, | <f-2>4\stopTextSpan r16 c16 f8 r16 d g8 r16 e a8 | r16 f bes8 r16 g c c r a c c r g c c | %18 <a-4>4 r16 <c,,-1><f-2>8 r16 <d-0><g-0>8 r16 <e-1><a-1>8 | r16 <f-2> <b-0>8 r16 g c c r a c c r\> g c c\! | a2 r \bar "|." } % 2: lowest classicalGuitarVoiceTwo = \relative c { \global \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down) \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up) f,16-\tweak extra-offset #'(-3 . 3)\f e\( f g\) a\( bes c\) e,\( f\) e\( f g \) a\( bes c\) e,\( | f8\) g16\( a\) bes\( c\) d\( e f\) g\( a bes\) c\( d\) e\( f\) | %3 <e,-2>4 e e e | <c-3>4 s2. | r16\ff e,\( f g\) a\( bes c\) e, f e\( f g\) a\( bes c\) e,\( | f8\) g16\( a\) bes\( c\) d\( e f\) g\( a g\) f\( e d\) c | <b-2>4\mf b b b | <b-2> r r2 | %9 s8 bes des c bes des c bes | a2 a <bes-1><b-2> | <c-3>_"cresc."<cis-3> | <d-0> e | <f-1> <g-1>4 <e-3> | <a-3> <f-4> g <e-3> | <f-4>\barre "I"<a-2>8.\startTextSpan a16\stopTextSpan \barre "III " <bes-1>8.\startTextSpan <b-2>16\stopTextSpan \barre "V " <c-1>8.\startTextSpan <cis-2>16\stopTextSpan |\break \barre "VI " <d-2>8.\startTextSpan d16\stopTextSpan \barre "VII " e4\startTextSpan <f-3><e-2> | %18 <f-3>\stopTextSpan a,,8. a16 <bes-1>8.<b-1>16<c-2>8.<cis-3>16\( | <d-4>8.\) <d-0>16 (e4) f e | f2\pp r } % second highest classicalGuitarVoiceThree = \relative c { \global } % 4: second lowest classicalGuitarVoiceFour = \relative c { \global \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down) \bar "|." } \score { \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" } { \clef "treble_8" << \classicalGuitarVoiceOne \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceTwo \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceThree \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceFour >> } \layout { %line-width = 190.000 \mm %\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t \override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #1 \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \override Score.MetronomeMark.color = #darkred \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) %\override StringNumber.add-stem-support = ##f \override Score.Fingering #'font-name = #"Century Schoolbook L" \override Score.Fingering #'font-size = #'-5 \override Fingering.add-stem-support = ##f \override StrokeFinger.add-stem-support = ##t \override StrokeFinger.font-size =-3 \override TextScript.font-size = #-3 \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic %\override TextScript.font-name = #"Liberation Sans Narrow" %\override TextScript.font-series = #'bold \override StringNumber.font-size = #-5 %\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##f \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) } } %\midi { } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user