On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Kieren MacMillan [via Lilypond] <
ml-node+s1069038n188244...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how and where to
> install these font files.
> 1. Right- [or control-] click on your Lilypond application file/icon, and
> from the contextual menu choose “Show Package Contents”.
> 2. Navigate down to the Contents > Resources > share > Lilypond > current
> > fonts directory.
> 3. There you will find otf and svg folders; copy the fonts that you
> received into the appropriate folder.
Kieren has told you correctly, but here are some additional instructions
that should help clarify things. Firstly, the lilyjazz-text.otf and
lilyjazz-chord.otf fonts should go in the normal system font folder. All
the other files (e.g., lilyjazz-11.otf, etc.) should go in the folders
Kieren indicated. The files with the OTF extension go in the otf folder and
the files with the SVG and WOFF extensions go in the svg folder. Those are
the places that LilyPond expects to find everything.
Also, you'll need to manually tell LilyPond to "include" the folder that
has the lilyjazz.ily and jazzchords.ily stylesheets if they aren't in the
score's working directory, which will most likely be the case.
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