Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >> >>> No, there's splitInterval just for that. >> >> Yes, but unfortunately, that property does not work anymore with the >> part combiner. > > So basically, i can't use the part combiner for this? > > Oh, well. I've put a file out[1] that you could use as an example of > the kind of input that could benefit from a rests-only part combiner. > > For an example of how the rests usually look in this kind of setup, > you could look at <>. > Here, rests have been replaced with spacer notes in the T2 and B2 > voices. > > [1] <>
I've just typeset a score with the same issue: 4 french horns on two staves, with several common rests on each staff. I ended up using the following workaround: a third voice per staff, with the common rests, and using skips in the horns parts. hornOne = { s1 s1 s2 c''4 d'' } hornTwo = { s1 s1 s2 e'4 g' } hornRests = { R1 R1 r2 s2 } << \clef treble \new Voice { \voiceOne \hornOne } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \hornTwo } \new Voice { \oneVoice \hornRests } >> Then, for an individual score, one can use: << \clef treble \hornOne \hornRests >> nicolas _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]