Hello Graham,

On 01.03.2016 14:18, Graham King wrote:
I've set a \book{} with a table-of-contents and other front-matter on the inside front cover. How do I persuade lilypond to omit the page-number on the inside-front-cover, and start numbering pages from "1" on the next page?

Use bookparts:

\version "2.19.35"

\paper {
  first-page-number = #-1
\bookpart {
  \markup { "Front cover" }
\bookpart {
  \paper {
    print-page-number = ##f
% For roman numerals, comment the previous and uncomment the following line
    %page-number-type = roman-lower
  \markup {
    "Inside front cover: table of contents, etc.
           No page number wanted, but Roman ``i'' would be OK."
\bookpart {
  \markup { "Music starts here.  Page no. 1" }
  { c''1 }

I’m not satisfied with the method of setting page numbers, though. Do we really not have a way to have pages numbered independently in each bookpart, or set first-page-number for one \bookpart only? It’s a very common usecase to number the frontmatter pages in Roman numerals, and then start over in Arabic numerals for the music.

Best, Simon

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