The sensitivity to changes of the minimal example, below,  suggests that
lilypond is already trying to avoid this ugly line-break, but in my
real-life case I'm afraid I need to force her hand.  Is there any way to
tell her: "put line breaks wherever you wish, but _not here_" ?

The Notation Reference (section 4.3.1) says that breaks are suppressed
"if the previous measure ends in the middle of a note" so I've tried
putting hidden notes in parallel, which sort-of-works but leads me down
a rabbit-hole into a nightmarish world of compensatory kludges.

Here's the problem:

        \version "2.19.35"
        \relative c'' {
          \repeat unfold 10 { c1 }
          c2\fermata r4 \breathe \tempo "Tempo Primo" r4 |
          \repeat unfold 14 { c1 }

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