Bernard <> writes:

> After manually downloaded and install Frescobaldi again. And executed
> my example. The result was still :
> Starting lilypond 2.18.2 []...
> Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-CgvCtP/tmpYKvR5j/'
> Parsing...
> /tmp/frescobaldi-CgvCtP/tmpYKvR5j/ error: GUILE signaled an 
> error for the expression beginning here
>       \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2  #
>                                                generate syntax error

That's not "the result was still": this is a _different_ error.
LilyPond does not start comments with # but with %.  This file will not
compile with any version of LilyPond.

David Kastrup

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