2016-02-24 10:05 GMT+01:00 Remy CLAVERIE <remy.clave...@orange.fr>:
> Dear lilypond users,
> I would like to place BarNumbers at the right side of a StaffGroup, but I do
> not see how to do that. I frist used the X/Y-offset properties but it was
> not a good idea because the distance between staves of a StaffGroup is
> flexible; so numbers were never really horizontally centered.
> My new idea is to use the shortInstrumentName of the StaffGroup context, but
> I don't know how to read/get the bar number from the stencil properties and
> then convert it into the shortInstrumentName string.
> Can someone help me ?
> Thanks a lot !
> Rémy

How about

\version "2.19.36"

\layout {
  \hide Score.BarNumber

my-bar-short-instrument-name =
\with {
  instrumentName = "1"
  shortInstrumentName = ""
  \override InstrumentName.after-line-breaking =
    #(lambda (grob)
      (let* ((all-sys-elts (ly:grob-object (ly:grob-system grob) 'all-elements))
                   (lambda (g)
                     (markup->string (ly:grob-property g 'text)))
                     (lambda (e)
                       (eq? (grob::name e) 'BarNumber))
                       (ly:grob-object (ly:grob-system grob) 'all-elements))))
        (if (and (not (null? sorted-bar-nmbrs)) (not (null? all-sys-elts)))
            (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text
              (car sorted-bar-nmbrs)))))

\new Staff \my-bar-short-instrument-name
\repeat unfold 20 {
  \time 4/4
  \time 3/4 d'2 e'4
  \time 2/8 f'4 g'8[ a']


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