I have a few questions about doubling measures and time signatures.
I currently typesetting Monteverdi's Vespers and have run into some problems with Monteverdi's notation. I want to keep the original baring and time signatures as they reflect the phrasing and tempo's of the work (Monteverdi was still using proportional notation)
My question is this:
Is there a way to double or triple the length of a bars. Monteverdi will set a time signature of 4/4 but infact it's 8 beats to a bar and also 3/2 which again is more like 6/1 (6 breves or 12 semibreves to a bar.)
Is it possible to do
\time 4/4 { g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 }* 2/1
\time 3/2 { g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 }* 6/1 ??
The reason for this is that Monteverdi can and does move between the 8 beats in 4/4 time back to 4 beats and back to 8 beats often during a work.
I know I can fiddle around with hiding and using markups for time signatures etc this causes the excellent Layout properties of Lilypond to become corrupt.
Using the \cadenzaOn / Off... is also useful but this creates a lot of problems especially when proof-reading later and \cadenza causes all the accidentals to stay active...
Thanks for any assistance.
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