Hi John,

before you are wondering about the code example you got by Pierre, let
me tell you that you have already managed to run into one of the more
annoying and embarrassing issues with LilyPond. There actually is no
proper support for ties that are not strictly horizontal, which affect
staff changes (as in your example), but also clef changes within a staff
and enharmonic changes of the same pitch ( e.g. cis ~ des).

What Pierre suggests is basically to hard-code the actual shape of the
ties in your file, which is a rather hacky workaround as it will not
behave properly when anything in your layout changes. (Apart from that
one could also make use of the built-in function \shape, which you can
read about on

Another hacky workaround would be to replace the ties by slurs, which
can of course cross staves. But here we'd have the problem of getting
three simultaneous slurs. I know there's a rather recent (?) feature to
make this possible, but I'm not sure how, so someone else should help
out with that if you'd want to go that route.
Graphically this is probably the simplest solution, but this requires
you to write semantically wrong stuff in the input file: what you have
*is* a set of ties, not of slurs.

HTH (a bit)

Am 17.02.2016 um 09:48 schrieb John Kinell:
> Hi!
> I'm new using lilypond, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question.
> \version "2.19.36"
> \language "english"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff = "up" 
>   \relative c'
>   { s1 }
>   \new Staff = "down" 
>   \relative c
>   {\clef bass <ef af cf ef>4^~ \change Staff ="up" \tuplet 3/2 { <af!
> cf! ef!>8 <bf! df! f> <cf! eff! gf!> }  }
> >>
> How do I get the ab-minor chord to tie over into the triplet? The
> above code just makes three tie lines above the staff. I have tried to
> do it with slurs, since midi output isn't an issue here, but the
> results aren't really that good either. Below is what I'm trying to
> engrave.
> exempel.jpg
> /John
> P.S. Any tips on getting the low eb on the first beat to tie over like
> in the picture would be appreciated! Right now I've solved it by
> creating a new voice with a hidden eb, which makes the tie look kind
> of awkward, but it works. D.S.
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