Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a diagnosis and/or treatment for this problem.
I am using the LV Golden Age font for a chart that has both rhythmic notation (using slash note heads) and pitched notation. When I specify the slash note head, the stems no longer attach to the notes. Below is a minimal example. Please let me know if you have any clues. \version "2.19.15" #(define-public (add-notation-font fontnode name music-str brace-str factor) (begin (add-music-fonts fontnode name music-str brace-str feta-design-size-mapping factor) fontnode)) \paper { #(define notation-fonts (list (list 'lv-goldenage "lv-goldenage" "lv-goldenage") )) #(begin (for-each (lambda (tup) (add-notation-font fonts (car tup) (cadr tup) (caddr tup) (/ staff-height pt 20))) notation-fonts)) } clave = \relative c' { b4 r8 b r4 b | r4 b b r | } claveTumbao = { \override NoteHead.style = #'slash \override NoteHead.font-size = #-4 \clave \clave } % Default note heads works fine. \score { \new Staff { \clef bass \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \mark \markup "Default note heads" \stemUp \claveTumbao } } % LV Goldenage note heads don't match up with stems. % Is there a way to lengthen the stems, or move them to the left? % or move the note heads to the right? \score { \new Staff { \clef bass \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \mark \markup "Golden Age note heads" \stemUp \claveTumbao } \layout { \override NoteHead #'font-family = #'lv-goldenage } } Thanks, David Elaine Alt 415 . 341 .4954 "*Confusion is highly underrated*" ela...@flaminghakama.com self-immolation.info skype: flaming_hakama Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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