On Mon 01 Feb 2016 at 18:25:36 (-0800), Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: > I want to make a template for a piano staff with two explicitly instantiated > voices (not <<{ } \\{ } >>) in each staff – this for four part fugues.
Apart from "fugues", sounds like a hymn (set in UK-style). So I stripped the words from this one and changed the ChoirStaff to PianoStaff. Is this the sort of thing you want? Cheers, David.
\version "2.18.2" \language "english" \header { tagline = ##f } global = { \key g \major \time 4/4 s1 * 4 \break s1 * 4 \break s1 * 4 \break s1 * 4 \bar "|." } soprano = \relative { g'2. d4 e fs g a b c a4. g8 g1 a2. g4 fs d g fs e d e4. d8 d1 e2. e4 a gs a b c b a g a1 d2. d4 e d8( c) b4 a b c a4. g8 g1 } alto = \relative { b2( c4) d c c d e d d d d d1 d4( cs d) e d d e d cs d b cs d1 c2. d4 c e e e e e e e fs1 g4( d g) f e fs g g g g g fs g1 } tenor = \relative { d2. g4 g a g g g a fs c' b( d c b) a4( g fs) a a a a a a8( g) fs4 g g fs( a g fs) g2. gs4 a d c d c8( a) gs4 a8( e') d[( cs]) d4( a d c) b2. g4 g8( c) b[( a]) g4 e' d e d4. c8 b1 } bass = \relative { g,2( a4) b c c b c d d d d g( b a g) fs4( e d) cs d fs cs d a b g a d( fs e d) c4( d c) b a b a gs a b c e d1 g2. b,4 c d e c d d d d g1 } \score { \transpose f f \new PianoStaff << \new Staff << \clef treble \global \new Voice { \voiceOne \soprano } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \alto } >> \new Staff << \clef bass \global \new Voice { \voiceOne \tenor } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \bass } >> >> \layout { indent = 0 } }
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