2016-02-02 0:08 GMT+01:00 Carl-Henrik Buschmann <chbuschm...@mac.com>:
> I wonder how to align text and dynamics? I need it to explain a certain
> action when using a certain symbol. I guess this question could be answered
> several ways: 1) is it possible to write dynamic/other symbols in markup? 2)
> How to gently force horizontal alignment between a dynamic/other mark and
> \markup?
> \version "2.19.35"
> {
>   c'->_\markup { \tiny \italic (stomp) }
> }
> {
>   c'_\markup { > \tiny \italic (stomp) }
> }
> Carl

Hi Carl,

your examples doesn't show any dynamic but articulations, i.e. accents.

Maybe you'll find the below helpfull though:

%%1 DynamicText
stompMrkp =
\markup {
  \musicglyph #"scripts.sforzato" \normal-text \vcenter \tiny \italic (stomp)

stompSfz = #(make-dynamic-script stompMrkp)

  c'-\tweak self-alignment-X #LEFT -\tweak parent-alignment-X #LEFT _\stompSfz

%%2 markup
  c'_\markup \concat {
        \musicglyph #"scripts.sforzato"
        \hspace #0.6
        \vcenter \tiny \italic (stomp)


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