This may be trivial but searches of themanuals etc have not born fruit. How do you prevent the markup N.C. appearing where there is a note rest. In fact N.C. does not always appear sometimes once in a bar sometimes twice for no immediately apparent reason.
If r1 is replaced by R1 then no "N.C." markup. I have been trying out no N.C. markup with \version "2.12.2" but with 2.19.25 "N.C." appears where the chordname would be if there was a chord I have included a small(ish) sample I have not used R1 in this but if you do then no "N.C." \version "2.19.25" \include "" \storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim7} #ukulele-tuning "5-3;3-2;2-1;o;" myChordsTransposed = \chordmode { e1:7 | r1 | a2 g | c2:dim7 a:7 | d1 | r1 | r2 r4 g | } << \new ChordNames { %\transpose c b { \myChords } \myChordsTransposed } \new FretBoards { \set Staff.stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning %\transpose c b { \myChords } \myChordsTransposed } \relative c'' \new Staff { \transpose c b { \key ees\major r1 | r1 | r2 r2 | r2 r2 | g4^\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.segno"} g8. f16 ees8. bes16 ees8. f16 | g4 g ees2 | g4 g bes aes8. aes16 | g4 f f2 | } } >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } regards Peter Gentry _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list