Hi Musicus,

below is an example of what can be done very easily: You can show and
hide all kinds of objects in a staff. This way you could create several
images for each case and show them on demand.

However, you seem to want a bit more: a translation to svg classes such
that you can work with a single svg file of the score and alter the
contents based on ids/classes. To my knowledge the LP grob (graphical
objects) names are not (yet) translated to the svg file. My guess would
be that this is possible with some coding work, but I don't know. Others
on this list can tell you more.

Here is the example, you can play with the \hide lines to see the effect:

  a-1 b-2

\layout {
  % hide staff symbol
  % \hide Staff.StaffSymbol  % remove '%' to hide it
  % hide clef and time (system start)
  \hide Staff.Clef
  \hide Staff.TimeSignature
  % hide notes
  \hide NoteHead
  \hide Stem
  \hide Staff.LedgerLineSpanner

% You can also use separate layout blocks
\layout {
  \hide Fingering


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