Thomas Ibbotson wrote > I see you're defining a new function "lower-extension", which looks like > it > modifies and passes through its arguments to another function > "note-name->markup". Am I close?
Yes, that's it! By the way: I forgot to replace the name "lower-extension" by something that suits the purpose... but that's only a matter of taste. :) Thomas Ibbotson wrote > how does it only affect the bass note argument? Interesting question, I just had a look at There are two different functions: chordNoteNamer is "used for single pitches" (e.g. the bass note name) whereas chordRootNamer is "used for chords" and thus affects the chord's root. IIUC both of them simply call "note-name->markup". You can replace them by custom-made functions that do additional things like formatting etc. Any markup command can be used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.18.2" #(define (customized-bass-name pitch chbass) "Return re-sized markup for pitch note name." #{ \markup \fontsize #-2 #(note-name->markup pitch chbass) #}) #(define (customized-root-name pitch chbass) "Do other strange stuff with the root name." #{ \markup \with-color #red \italic #(note-name->markup pitch chbass) #}) \layout { \context { \ChordNames chordNoteNamer = #customized-bass-name chordRootNamer = #customized-root-name slashChordSeparator = \markup { \with-color #green "/" } } } \score { \new StaffGroup << \chords { c1/e d:m/f } \new Staff { c''1 c'' } >> \layout { } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list