Hi Caio,

Here's a possible workaround:

\version "2.19.35"

\relative c'' {
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
  c1\sustainOn \break
  c1 c1\sustainOff

sustOn =
#(define-event-function (parser location)()
      \tweak bound-details.left.text \markup\concat { \musicglyph
#"pedal.Ped" ". " }
      %\tweak bound-details.left-broken.text \markup\concat { \musicglyph
#"pedal.Ped" ". " }
      %%% Optional:
      \tweak bound-details.left-broken.text
        \markup\concat { \normal-text "(" \musicglyph #"pedal.Ped"
\normal-text ".) " }
      \tweak style #'line
      \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y #-1
      \tweak bound-details.left.padding -2
      \tweak bound-details.left-broken.attach-dir -1
      \tweak bound-details.left-broken.padding 4
      \tweak bound-details.right-broken.padding 0
      \tweak bound-details.right.attach-dir -1
      \tweak bound-details.right-broken.text ##f
      \tweak bound-details.right.text
        \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(-.3 . 0)
        \draw-line #'(0 . 1)
      \tweak padding #1
      \tweak direction #-1

sustOff = \stopTextSpan

%% TEST:
\relative c'' {
  c1\sustOn \break
  c1 c1\sustOff


2016-01-27 21:51 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:

> Hi Caio,
> > I would like to add a cautionary indication that the sustain pedal
> should remain pressed after a line break, so in the code below ideally
> there would be a (Ped.) in the second line. Any suggestions?
> 1. Wait for the feature to be implemented — it’s being
> discussed/considered at the moment.
> 2. Add a markup. (This is what I do right now.) It’s awkward, and fragile
> (i.e., if the layout changes, you need to move the markup manually), but it
> works.
> Hope this helps!
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
> ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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