

I am engraving an organ piece in which I want to add an ossia staff above a
measure to indicate how to perform an ornament.


I can make the ossia staff appear; however, I cannot determine how to hide
or remove the bar lines that connect the ossia staff to the staff for the
right hand.


I checked the documentation and used the obvious search strings in Google,
but I obviously am missing something.


Would someone kindly point me in the right direction?


Here as a two-measure example. The ossia staff appears above the second


The attached PNG file shows the rendered score with annotation on the bar
lines that I want to hide.


I am running Lilypond with Windows 10.


Here is the code:



\version "2.19.35"

\language "english"


global = {

  \key c \major

  \time 4/4



rightOne = \relative c'' {


  c4 c c c 


     {c4 c c c}


     \new Staff = "ossia" \with { 

        alignAboveContext = #"right" fontSize = #-2 

        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

        firstClef = ##f

        \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)

        \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -3)


     {c4 c c c }




rightTwo = \relative c'' {


  % Music follows here.

  c4 c c c

  c4 c c c



leftOne = \relative c' {


  c4 c c c

  c4 c c c



leftTwo = \relative c' {


  c4 c c c

  c4 c c c 



pedal = \relative c {


  c4 c c c 

  c4 c c c 



\score {


    \new PianoStaff <<

      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>

      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }


    \new Staff = "pedal" { \clef bass \pedal }


  \layout { }



Thanks for looking at this example.


Joe Srednicki

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