On 26 January 2016 at 05:35, Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:

> One idea would be to use triangle shapes for the accidental notes to
> better clarify their relation to the “natural” or rather in-the-key,
> non-accidental, notes.  Like a diatonic-staff version of Reed’s Twinline:
> http://musicnotation.org/system/twinline-notation-by-thomas-reed/
> Although, I’m not sure how that would work with sharp or flat notes in a
> given key... (are they ovals or triangles?)
> BTW, is there a standard term for non-accidental notes?  You would think
> it would be “natural notes” but sometimes natural notes are also accidental
> notes.
In a chromatic scale, what are the accidental notes? They're certainly NOT
notes with a sharp or flat, since you may already be in a key signature
with those notes.

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