On 22.01.2016 19:16, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
the lilypond default note duration is 1/4. For example if I write
{ a b }
lilypond generates two quarter notes. There is any way to set the
_default_ note value to another value for example to 1/8 so that the
previous code would generate two 1/8 notes?
I don’t know of a ‘proper’ way. This is something which is done by the
parser, and can’t be easily customised. However, there is a ‘cheat’: :-)
\version "2.19.35"
\void { 8 } % for 2.18., use { c8 } or whatever pitch
{ c' }
\void means that the argument is interpreted, but not returned. Thus,
Lily won’t print the first music expression, but when the parser reads
the second music expression and doesn’t find a duration, he will use the
last one he encountered. Normally, that would be an undesired side
effect, but here it helps.
HTH, Simon
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