How should beam subdivisions work under tuplets?

\version "2.19.35"

\relative c'' {
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t
  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
  c32 [ c c c \tuplet 3/2 { c c c c  c c c c  c c c c ]}

will create beam subdivisions after the first group of four 1/32s and
another one in the middle of the tuplet group. So the subdivisions come
at the absolute 1/8 positions.
However, shouldn't the subdivisions be rather considering the *written*
durations? That is, shouldn't the second half of the beam be subdivided
in three groups of two notes each (as the two-voice last crotchet suggests)?

If I'm not misinterpreting things this is also *intended*, as the
comment in the code says:

          // The rhythmic importance of a stem between beats depends on
its fraction
          // of a beat: those stems with a lower denominator are deemed more
          // important.  For tuplets, we need to make sure that we use
          // the fraction of the tuplet, instead of the fraction of
          // a beat.

This is even more problematic with rhythms that *should* be subdivided
but where the notes don't fall at the multiples of baseMoment, like in
the second example:

  c32 c c c \tuplet 3/2 {
    \tuplet 3/2 16 {
      c c c  c c c  c c c

(same settings as above)

where I think I would want the second half of the beam subdivided in
three groups with three notes each (of a *written* length of 1/16).


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