Thank you. This is indeed a good start! However. How to adjust the lenght of the parenthesis? As of now they only encapsule 1/3 of the stack. I havent the foggiest on how to make them "flexible".
> 17. jan. 2016 kl. 22.25 skrev Kieren MacMillan > <>: > > Hi Carl-Henrik, > > Here’s a start for you. > > Hope this helps! > Kieren. > > %%%% SNIPPET BEGINS > \version "2.19.35" > \language "english" > > chordFlat = \markup \concat { \hspace #0.1 \raise #0.5 \fontsize #-1 \flat > \hspace #0.2 } > chordSharp = \markup \concat { \hspace #0.1 \raise #0.5 \fontsize #-1 \sharp > \hspace #0.2 } > > jazzChords-markups = { > <c e gs bf df' fs'>-\markup \concat { "7" "(" \raise #2 \fontsize #-5 > \center-column { \concat { \chordSharp "11" } \concat { \chordFlat "9" } > \concat { \chordSharp "5" } } ")" } > } > > jazzChords-add = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions > jazzChords-markups #t) ignatzekExceptions) > > \layout { \context { \Score chordNameExceptions = #jazzChords-add } } > > chords-test = \chordmode { > d1 > d1:m > d1:7 > d1:7.5+.11+.9- > } > > \score { > << > \new ChordNames \chords-test > \new Staff \chords-test >>> > } > > %%%% SNIPPET ENDS > ________________________________ > > Kieren MacMillan, composer > ‣ website: > ‣ email: > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list