Hi list,

I ran into an issue when using what is admittedly an ugly hack for forcing
French beaming, when *also* working with a voice with lyrics.

What I want, when I have (pseudo-code):

{ r8.[ e16] }

is for the rest to be roughly in the middle, with a stemlet, beamed
together with the following note. Since this didn't work right (the rest
was always shoved way out of the middle of the staff to be roughly aligned
with the attached note), I resorted to the following (ugly pseudo-code):

\version "2.19.36" ¹
c4 d f
 \override Stem.stemlet-length = #0.5
 \override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(5)
b,8.\rest[ f'16]
  \revert Stem.details.beamed-lengths
  \revert Stem.stemlet-length

This got me what I wanted in terms of placing the rest and getting stemlets
and having the stems the right length, but it apparently doesn't work very
well when in a voice with lyrics. Apparently the lyrics part jumps right
over the both the { b,8.\rest[ } and the following { f16] } parts, aligning
the syllable to the next note.

I don't actually much care about this in my present use-case, because it's
a voice part that wouldn't normally be beamed anyway. However, I could
imagine some use case where a rest might be beamed to some following note,
and expect to have that note get lyrics attached.

So, just out of curiosity, is there a better way to achieve what I'm
looking for here?


¹ NB: my Lily version may very well be not yet released. I'm installing
from git, and that's the version that she reports herself to be.
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