Is there a way in LilyPond to simply list the lyrics corresponding to 
additional verses after the end of the music, with one paragraph per verse?

N.B. This exact question has been asked before
in 2001, but the first answer ("read this book") references a dead URL, while 
the second (use `\context Lyrics`) does not work for me, I get LilyPond 
syntax errors.

Here's the song under which I want to write the additional verses.

  title = "JOHN BALL"
  instrument = "(for unaccompanied voice)"
  composer = "Sydney Carter"
  copyright = "From \"In the Present Tense (Songs of Sydney Carter Book 5)\", 
        Stainer and Bell 1982, ISBN 9780852495001"
  tagline = ""

\score {
  \relative {
    \time 2/4
    \clef treble
    \tempo 4=180
    \key a \major
    cis'' a8 fis |  e4. cis8 |  d e gis fis |  e2 | 
    fis4 fis8 fis | fis4 gis8 a | b a gis a | b cis d b | 
    cis4 a8 fis |  e4. cis8 |  d e gis fis |  e4 a8 gis | 
    fis4 fis8 fis | d' cis b a | gis2 | a \bar "||"
    b4 b |  b4. cis8 |  b a gis fis |  e2 | b'4 b8 cis |  d( cis ) b a | 
    cis2 | b4 e8 d | cis4 a8 fis | e4 cis | d8 e gis fis | e4 a8 gis | 
    fis4 fis8 fis | d' cis b a | gis2 | a \bar "|."
  \addlyrics { 
    Who'll be the | la -- dy, | Who will be the | lord, | When we are | 
    ruled by the | love of one an -- | o -- ther? Tell me, | Wholl be the | 
    la -- dy, | Who will be the | lord, In the | light that is | 
    com -- ing in the | morn -- | ing. | 
    Sing, John | Ball, And | tell it to them | all: | Long live the | 
    day that is | dawn -- | ing! And I'll | crow like a | cock, I'll | 
    car -- ol like a | lark, For the | light that is | com -- ing In the | 
    morn -- | ing. 
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

\version "2.18.2" 

I'd like to add verses 2, 3, and 4 underneath, separated from the music just 
as words, as they are here:

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