2016-01-12 22:08 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> 2016-01-12 15:37 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider
>> <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com>:
>> I've always found it a little so-so, to define custom markup-commands
>> only combining a personal choice of preexisting markup-commands.
>> Wouldn't it be better to let it do by a scheme-function?
>> Though, you can't further reuse it in another markup like:
>> \version "2.19.36"
>> foo = #(define-scheme-function ()() #{ \markup "bla" #})
>> \markup \line { "xy" \foo }
>> Returns an error.
>> You would need to make some detour:
>> %% Two possebilities to get the _result_ of `foo'
>> buzz = \foo
>> \markup \line { "xy" \buzz }
>> \markup \line { "xy" ##{ \foo #} }
>> Any chance to directly insert the result of a scheme-function in a
>> newly created markup?
> I've just written a syntax rule allowing that, with the arguments of the
> scheme function being scanned in \notemode.  Which is what they are
> usually scanned in.  That's required for scheme functions with music
> arguments.  However, it means that any markup arguments of the scheme
> function (apart from straightforward strings) need to be introduced
> using \markup ...
> I'm not sure whether we even should switch modes here.  Maybe leave it
> to the responsibility of the user to invoke \notemode ?  But \notemode
> does not accept anything but <<... >> or {...} so the kind of music
> arguments you can enter in that manner is fairly restricted.  Hm, but
> one can always escape to ##{...#} to get \notemode.
> So... \notemode or \markup mode?  And who writes up the docs and
> explains either complication?

Wow, that was fast.

I think \notemode or \markup mode? is decided by your follow-up mail(s).

It was my request, so I'll do docs and regtests. Most likely I'll not
be able to start on it before next weekend, though.
Same for further guile2-stuff
Too busy in my regular job ...


> Current scheme functions with a music argument are:
> \beamExceptions
> \settingsFrom (oh, we have that one still?)
> \stringTuning
> Likely not all that important yet...
> --
> David Kastrup

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