The following snippet:
\version "2.19.32"
S = \relative c'' { c d e f }
SLyrA = \lyricmode { tra la la la }
T = \relative c'' { c d e f }
\score {
\new Staff \S
\addlyrics \SLyrB
\new Staff \T
\layout {}
\midi {}
generates a midi file which has the \S and \T music on midi channels 1
and 3, resp. If there are more \addlyrics commands, then more midi
channels are skipped.
This is, I believe, new behavior which started sometime after v2.19.15
and before or at v2.19.19. I read the Changes.pdf for v2.19.19 and
didn't see (or recognize) any description of this new behavior.
Is there anywhere a discussion of what this is about? Why would one
want to include lyrics in a midi file? Is there a way to turn this
behavior off?
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