Hi David,

> What's wrong with violinI ?

For one thing, arabic numerals sort more easily than roman numerals.

> When would you ever want to do that?

Unfortunately, I need to do it all the time: until Lilypond handles 
multi-instrumentalist parts better than it does (you may recall us discussing 
the many issues in the past?), I am forced to break up variables and then knit 
them back together later [transposed, or with a new key signature, or whatever].

> What's this with "workaround" anyway?  I have more scores using
> "Violin I" and "Violin II" for their parts than otherwise.

Instrument names [presentation] and variable names [content] are independent… 
or at least should be.

Best regards,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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