Le 21 sept. 04, Ã 07:04, Graham Percival a Ãcrit :

On 20-Sep-04, at 1:50 AM, Pascal Legris wrote:
Le 19 sept. 04, Ã 22:24, Graham Percival a Ãcrit :
On 18-Sep-04, at 8:58 PM, Benjamin Esham wrote:
When I run Lilypond on the file, the title is "Star Spangled Banner"âwhere
the hyphen should be, there's only blank space approximately the width of an
em dash

This might have been a bug. I just tried it in 2.3.18 and it worked.
It was a bug. It's OK with 2.3.18. But for some other characters things become stange. Encoding does not correspond to ISO-8859-1. For instance, the  charcacter (char 176 in ISO-8859-1) is replaced whith a Š(char 248 in ISO-8859-2).
By chance for me, the Å character (o and e) is found under the Ã.

copyright = { \copyright My Organization, inc. 2004 }

it does'nt works

It needed two \s.

See this file:

\header { title = "\\copyright Foo Bar"
Also chance, \\oe does not give Å, but ff !

@+, Pascal

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