Hello all,

What is the current state-of-the-art in terms of tempo spanners?

In the attached, I’d like a dotted line connecting the “accel.” to the “Second” 

1. Since I have functions [simplified here] for formatting MetronomeMarks, I’d 
like to use them directly and not have to duplicate the formatting in 
TextSpanner [which would also ruin the semantics].

2. I’ll probably use tags to avoid the “tempo spanners” ending up in all the 
other staves/contexts. But if there’s a better way, please let me know. (I’m 
happy to define a whole new context, or use event/type filtering, if necessary.)

Any links and/or code would be appreciated.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

Attachment: TempoSpanner_example.ly
Description: Binary data

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