With apologies for continuing to flog this subject...

I've taken David Kastrup's advice, and upgraded to 2.19.32, and I might
now be able to simplify this problem quite radically, and eliminate some
limitations, with a small change of syntax.

Below is the germ of the idea.  The thing I'm missing is a markup
function to take an arbitrarily long stretch of lyrics, prepend "[" to
the first syllable, and append "]" to the last syllable.  Is this even
possible in principle?  Or am I wasting my time?

As a side issue:
I don't really understand why I can write:

        redden = \markup \with-color #red \etc
        reduced = \markupMap LyricEvent.text \redden \etc

but not:

        reduced = \markupMap LyricEvent.text \markup \with-color #red

gratefully, as ever...
-- Graham

\version "2.19.32"

redden = \markup \with-color #red \etc
italicise = \markup \italic \etc
%bracketise = % some markup function here???

reduced = \markupMap LyricEvent.text \redden \etc

% either:
editorial = \markupMap LyricEvent.text \italicise \etc
% or:
%editorial = \markupMap LyricEvent.text \bracketise \etc
% or perhaps just:
%editorial = \bracketise \etc

theNotes = {
  \time 6/4 \relative { 
    e'2. d c1. e2. d2 d4 c1. \break 
    g'2. f e1. g2. f2 f4 e2.~e2 g4 

theWords = \lyricmode {
  Three blind mice, see \markup { \concat { [ how } } they run.
  Three \reduced { blind mice, see \editorial { how they } run. }

  \new StaffGroup
    \new Voice = "voice" \theNotes
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" \theWords
%%} %Test harness ends.

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