I am starting to think there are two general classes of musicians, the 
functionalists, and the aestheticists. For the first group, all the matters is 
the sound output, and the notated input should be considered purely a means to 
that end, conveyed with the most efficiency, and essentially irrelevant. The 
second group cares about the visual appearance of the texts they are working 
with, the graphic expression, the look and feel, and all the extra-musical 
clues that notational gestures give, whether definitely prescriptive or merely 
evocative. I suspect these groupings may be mutually exclusive!

As an example, the New Complexity school composer I engrave scores for insists 
on extremely long elongated stems, very exaggerated, very International Gothic 
style. These add precisely nothing to the music, to the legibility, or to 
anything except a very personal graphic look and style. Since he insists on 
this being preserved as a hallmark of his work, I am delighted that lilypond 
provides a way to set the stem lengths. It’s useless, but looks great, and 
conveys a certain mood. Clearly he and I are both aestheticists.


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