Although I quite often find myself needing to use \override Voice.Hairpin.minimum-length = #2
or similar, I find that the results are unpredictable (to me!) Sometimes I have a very short hairpin, perhaps starting on a quaver and ending on the next quaver. In the output such a hairpin sometimes appears as a short vertical line (i.e. with length=0), and a warning is shown in the compiler output. If I change Hairpin.minimum-length I have to do it by trial and error, because the result does not seem necessarily to correspond to the value I have specified. (I am assuming that the units are staff spaces.) I'm guessing that this may perhaps be something to do with having an actual dynamic such as mf attached to one or both notes. The Internals Reference says that use of the minimum-length property with a hairpin "requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property". Unfortunately I have no clear idea what this means, and I haven't managed to find out yet either by searching or by experimentation. The best I have come up with so far is \override Hairpin.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods This doesn't improve the output at all, but at least it doesn't produce any additional error or warning! How can I guarantee that all hairpins will be printed with a minimum length of, say, 1.5 staff spaces, and the notes spaced appropriately, regardless of preceding or following dynamics? David _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list