On 7/12/2015 4:12 PM, Ryan Michael wrote:
I would like to add the engraving of
<c g'\harmonic> in an editorial note
within the markup below an actual note event.
It simply needs to show the interval of a fifth and that the top
note has the harmonic note head.
How can I do that?
The following throws an error saying you can't add music functions in
the \markup{}
-\markup{\italic "sempre" <c g'\harmonic>}
This is something I had as a footnote, but it works the same when
attached as markup to a note:
\version "2.19.32"
\relative c''
c4\prall_\markup\tiny {
"Execute all ornaments shown as" \raise #0.5 \musicglyph
\translate #'(-0.5 . 0) "thus:" \raise #0.5
\score {
\new Staff \with {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
fontSize = #-4
\override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
\override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
firstClef = ##f
\relative c'' {
\appoggiatura { d16[ c d] } c4
\layout {
indent = 0\cm
ragged-last = ##t
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