David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> writes:

> On Sat 28 Nov 2015 at 06:23:00 (-0700), Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
>> David Kastrup wrote
>> > So how should this be rigged instead?  Nominal length, unless that would
>> > swallow all of the following notelength or more?  And otherwise scale
>> > down repeatedly by a factor of 2 until it doesn't?
>> That sounds like an excellent approach as appogiaturas should be played with
>> their nominal lengths. For instance, see the first bar of the original
>> notation of Mozart's Alla Turca rondo:
>> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/n184220/mozart_allaturca.png> 
>> It should be interpreted as:
>> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/n184220/RondoAllaTurcaMozart.png>
> That's not true for all appoggiaturas of that era, is it? I was
> taught that c8 b4. would be performed as c4 b8 or even c4 b8-. which
> would sound like c4 b16 r16 perhaps.
> Looking in learned texts, I've just come across one where
> c8 b2 r2 is to be performed c2 b2 so that rest is gone.
> (c8 is an appoggiatura in all cases above.)
Man, that's just sick.  Are there rules given in your learned texts
about what to pick when?

David Kastrup

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