I'm trying to enclose some lyrics within square brackets but, for
reasons too tedious to trouble the list with*, I'd like to parameterise
the brackets using the \foo and \fooEnd constructs in the following
pseudocode.  Is there a way to do this without causing "[" and "]" to be
set as separate syllables?

-- Graham
* it has to do with differentiating lyrics in renaissance music: black,
coloured, or editorial.

\version "2.19.21"

foo = "["
fooEnd = "]"

theNotes = {
  \relative { e''1 d c }

theWords = \lyricmode { 
  Three \foo blind \fooEnd mice,

        \new StaffGroup
                \new Voice = "voice" \theNotes
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" \theWords

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