Thank you for the links and help. I think I caused some misunderstanding with my original question text.

To demonstrate what I want I send a graphic as an attachement as an example. (I do not own the rights!)

Usually with guitar as a rule it is sayed a finger per fret. So the fret numbers mostly are similar to the fret numbers. With bass that is different because of the larger scale. There the fret number is not similar to the fingering. (Well, there are exeptions with guitar as well.) As an example, there are three fingering patterns for a scale with bass. That patterns repeat because of the symmetric tuning. (c scale -> root with 1st finger, 2nd finger, 4th finger).

I would argue that this is true for double bass as well and fingering numbers could make sense, at least in some cases.
(double bass scale length 109 cm, bass long scale 86 cm)

For some beginner bass tabs I would like to add (left hand) fingerings not to the notes, but to the tabs and omit the notes completely. The tabs should mostly demonstrate the fingering patterns (without notes) to examplify the repeating patterns (beside the notes).

How can I do fingering to tabs (notes ommited)?

Kind regards

On 01.12.2015 17:22, David Kastrup wrote:
BB<>  writes:

>How can I add fingerings to tabs?
>(Not found in the manual)

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