On 29.11.2015 22:45, Alberto Simões wrote:
Hell, Simon

On 23/11/15 00:03, Simon Albrecht wrote:
The last measure of the Introduction actually has only two quarters (the
half note isn’t dotted), to be complemented by the immediately following
upbeat for Valse 1.

I need your help with this. Although I got it working for the upper voice, it is failing for the lower voice:

I am using: R1*1/2
And getting:

intro.ly:97:5: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2
    R1*1/2 \bar "|."

Of course the upper measure is  gis2  and it doesn't complain there.

Full-bar rests automatically perform a barcheck at their beginning and at their close. The latter obviously fails here, because the rest doesn’t span an entire bar. So you should be using r2 here.

It seems that you intentionally replaced -! by -. in Valse 1, however
the original uses them distinctly and I’d stick with that.

Thanks for the note. I didn't really notice (and in fact I am not sure what that means, musically speaking, but I will find that out)

Describing the difference between these in performing is a difficult task, but they are usually used distinctively and so we should allow performers to make sense of this distinction instead of hiding it away – regardless of what it actually means.

The hairpins in Valse 4 should stop at the third beat, I think.

Not sure what you mean with that one.

in a nutshell:
s2\> s4\!
instead of
s2.\> s\!

And I have yet another suggestion: It works as is, but LilyPond would have more freedom to make good linebreaks if you insert \bar "" at appropriate places in the introduction’s cadenza.

Yours, Simon

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