Hi all

How would you recommend drawing a glissando from one note in a chord to another note in a chord?
I found this snippet by Harm of 2012:

It works still but I wonder if something else has been done in the meanwhile. There's any open issue about chord glissando? (the search in Allura/Sourceforge is a pain...)
Below a minimal examples showing a couple of problems.


\version "2.19.31"

\paper {
 ragged-right = ##f

myMusic = \relative {
 % ok
 <a c>\glissando <b\3 d>

 % problems
<a b~>\glissando <b b\3> % wrong connections and the glissando should be one
 <a\glissando b~> <b b\3> % no glissando drawn

\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \myMusic }
   \new TabStaff \with {
     stringTunings = #guitar-tuning
   } \myMusic
 \layout { }

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