2015-11-23 11:48 GMT+01:00 jmechmech <jmechm...@gmail.com>:

> Perfect for a snippet :
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.18.2"
> #(define (lower-extension pitch chbass)
>    "Return lowered markup for pitch note name."
>    #{
>      \markup \raise #-1.9 \halign #0.2
>      #(note-name->markup pitch chbass)
>    #})
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \ChordNames
>     slashChordSeparator = \markup {
>       % the \hspace commands simulate kerning
>       \hspace #-1.2
>       \lower #0.8 \rotate#-35 \scale #'(1 . 1.3) "|"
>       \hspace #-1.4
>     }
>     chordNoteNamer = #lower-extension
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   \new StaffGroup <<
>     \chords {
>       f2.:m c4:7/e c2:maj7
>       f2:m/a f/g c:7/g c:7/e e/f
>     }
>     \new Staff { \key aes \major \time 3/4 c'4 aes'2 c'4 bes'2 r4 r r r r r
> r r r  }
>   >>
>   \layout { }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Could this snippet be adapted to having the bass note appearing directly
beneath the root note, separated by a horizontal line? So it would look
something like this (without the enormous spaces, of course):


I tried altering the values of the snippet, but couldn’t come up with
something useful.

Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany
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