Robin Bannister <> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote:
>> See issue 4671: probably as of version 2.19.33, convert-ly should be
>> able to do this by itself.  Another possibility is to not use
>> ly:music-function-extract at all but rather write
>> #{ \whateveritwas ... #}
>> here.  That should be fairly convertible.
> OK. I had to pay a two dollar streamlining fee though.
> thumbBracket = #(define-music-function (spec) (string?)
>  (let ((settings thumbBracketSettings)) ;% as Defaults, or user defined
>     #{ \thumbBracketEx $spec $settings #}))

2.18.2 requires (define-music-function (parser location spec) ...

The first version to allow (define-music-function (spec) ... is 2.19.22
and the first version to allow (thumbBracketEx spec settings) is 2.19.22
as well.  So if you drop the "parser location" arguments, there is no
point in not calling thumbBracketEx directly.

Of course, the `let' is spurious.  You can just use thumbBracketSettings
directly instead of settings.  Probably as of 2.14 or something.  So
either way there are some more possible streamlinings even when writing
for 2.18.

David Kastrup

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