On 23.11.2015 23:02, David Nalesnik wrote:
Hi Simon,

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de <mailto:simon.albre...@mail.de>> wrote:


    I’ve defined a custom bar line, following the examples in
    scm/bar-line.scm. Now I would have expected the whole ‘blot’
    business to give me round edges, at least with \override
    Staff.BarLine.rounded = ##t, but it doesn’t. Why?

The value for blot that you end up using is tiny. (I get a value of 0.016.) Try substituting 0.08 for a better appearance. I'm not sure at the moment how you'd go about *calculating* a more reasonable value.

After quite some scouring I found the source for this small value: scm/paper.scm, lines 91f. read:
    ;;  sync with feta
    (setm! 'blot-diameter (* 0.4 pt))
It works to just replace (layout-blot-diameter grob) in the definition for calc-blot by 0.1. Thus, there’s still the safety that a smaller value will be chosen for either very thin or very short bar-lines – OTOH, when is that supposed to happen? :-)

Yours, Simon

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