On 23.11.2015 20:01, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Simon,

I’d like the clef to take less space, especially to the right, and at best to 
overlap with the following note. How can I achieve that?
\version "2.19.31"
  \tweak Clef.space-alist.next-note #'(extra-space . 0)
  \tweak Clef.X-extent #empty-interval
  \clef bass a, b, c

This is obviously extreme; adjust the X-extent as desired.

Thanks, that’s good.

There are two issues, though:
– the \tweak version spills over to the next clef and
– the vertical position of the beam changes:

\version "2.19.31"
  \once\override Staff.Clef.space-alist.next-note = #'(extra-space . 0)
  \once\override Staff.Clef.X-extent = #'(0 . .8)
  \clef bass a, b, c
  \clef treble a'8
  \tweak Clef.space-alist.next-note #'(extra-space . 0)
  \tweak Clef.X-extent #'(0 . 0)
  \clef bass a, b, c

  \clef treble a'4
(output attached)

I’ll go for the bug-list with these.

Yours, Simon
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