Hi Bogi,

You need to use the parallel voices correctly. The two voices need  ‘\\‘ 
between them.

  <<{c''1^~|\stemUp c''2 c''4 c''| c'’1} \\ {\stemDown g'2 a' |g' a'4 a'| g'1}>>

You can also use \new Voice. Have a look in the Notation Reference manual under 
Multiple Voices.

I thought 2.18.2 was the stable version. Any reason to use 2.18.0?

Allow me also to recommend the development releases - in general they are of 
excellent quality and really very stable for most practical purposes.


On 23/11/2015, 10:50, "Bogi Lützen" 
<lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
bogimob...@icloud.com> wrote:

This is just one of my efforts, but in all of them I miss the stem on the
first g'2:

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