Il giorno sab 21 nov 2015 alle 12:56, David Sumbler
<> ha scritto:
1) I would like to have a dotted line between the title and the page
number in each line. But if I use
tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup
then there does not seem to be a way of formatting the text the way I
want to (larger font etc.).
As an alternative I have tried defining tocItemMarkup including
\fill-with-pattern #1 #RIGHT .
This results in a space between the dots
and the page number; I get a similar result with
\fill-with-pattern #1 #CENTER .
I'm using this definition in a project of mine and the items look
perfectly centered to me:
tocItemMarkup = \markup \large \fill-line {
\override #'(line-width . 80)
\fill-with-pattern #1 #CENTER . \fromproperty #'toc:text
\fromproperty #'toc:page
If you provide a minimal example, I can see what you mean.
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