Hi Jan-Peter

Am 19.11.2015 um 10:16 schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
> Hi Urs,
> I don't have a solution, but a hint:
> in 2.18.2 stable, the beaming is correct - maybe its a bug in 2.19.x?

Thank you for that hint, which is indeed valuable.
This is quite likely a side-effect of the fix for #4355 that explicitly
changed the behaviour of the subdivisions (upon my request BTW).

In that perspective the current behaviour is actually consistent
(although undesirable IMO): Subdividing beams should respect the length
of the previous and following groups. In my example this is a quarter
note -> no beam.

I've written a feature request/bug report to bug-lilypond.

> Cheers,
> Jan-Peter
> Am 19.11.2015 um 09:42 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem getting a beam subdivision right, and I can't seem to
>> find a solution in the manual:
>> I have this group of 16th notes:
>> \relative b {
>>    \time 6/4
>>    b16 [ d b' g  d g d' b  g b g' d ]  r2.
>> }
>> and I want to have the secondary beam divided in three parts with one
>> quarter note each.
>> However
>> \set subdivideBeams = ##t
>> breaks the beam in three groups altogether, and no combination of
>> baseMoment and beatStructure I could think of produced the expected
>> result.
>> Any suggestion?
>> TIA
>> Urs
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