Menu Jacques <> writes:

> Hi Andrew,
> The definitions I use actually is:
> #(define comml           (object->string (command-line)))
> #(define loc             (+ (string-rindex comml #\space ) 2))
> #(define commllen        (- (string-length comml) 2))
> #(define filen           (substring comml loc commllen))
> #(define siz             (object->string (stat:size (stat filen))))
> Need to analyze what happens in detail to loc and commllen when there
> are spaces in the directory name.

(command-line) returns the command line as a list of separate arguments
(including the file name).  You mash this into a single line and strip
it into parts again by spaces to figure out the file name.


David Kastrup

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