Sorry for not replying earlier, but I didn't realize earlier what you
actually need.

If you just want to replace the regular time signature with that
specific glyph from the SMuFL range you can actually do that quite easily:
What you have to do is simply replace the "stencil" of
Staff.KeySignature with a markup containing your glyph.

See this blog post for some more information

and this code:

\version "2.19.30"

#(define (accidental2CommaFlat grob)
   (grob-interpret-markup grob
     (markup ;; Select Bravura font
            ; This doesn't seem to work (although I think it should)
            ; #:font-name "Bravura"
             ;; set size of the glyph -
             ; please experiment wtih appearance and problem of
interference with staff lines
             #:fontsize 5
             ;; choose the glyph to be taken
             #:char #xE455)))

\relative c'{
  % There has to be a key, otherwise nothing will be printed.
  \key g \major
  % Use Bravura, the SMuFL reference font (actually this should be done
  % inside the stencil but I don't know how
  \override Staff.KeySignature.font-name = "Bravura"
  % Tell LilyPond to use something else than the default key signature
  \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil = #accidental2CommaFlat

which expects the Bravura font from here: to
be installed as a system font.


Am 08.08.2015 um 18:55 schrieb Server Acim:
> Hello,
> I want to ask you a very important question.
> Turkish Music is divide two kinds in it inside.
> One of is "Turkish Classical Music". Its roots are based of Ottoman
> Impire. And "MAKAM" word is based some series. The title of makams are
> changed according to its note that where the serie is begined and ended.
> The second sub-genre of "Turkish Music" as an general title, is
> "Turkish Folk Music". This is the public's music that are coming from
> many eras. During the Turkish Classical Music is performing at the
> serailles, the folk music of Turkish folk people were singing their
> folk songs in villages and towns of Turkey.
> So, the "segah" koma(a littile bit lower than flat) sound is used in
> the key signature with normal flat sign but added a "2" number above
> it. We(The Turkish musician who uses LilyPond for engraving an Turkish
> Folk Song) need this sign for using it at the engraving project of a
> Turkish Folk Song.
> I am adding an attachment that includes this flat sign with number "2"
> in its key signature. This is taken from the Turkish Folk Song Archive
> of Turkey Radio and Television (TRT) Corporation.
> This is a very urgent matter. I need to have the solutiong as quick as
> possible.
> How can you help me?
> Thank you. Bye.
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