Hello folks,

Thanks for your help. It turns out I had mistaken \markLengthOn for 

-\tweak self-alignment-X #0  % move horizontally to the left

works but is not adequate in my actual score, since there are bars to the left.

So the good way for me to go is:


each time the problem arises.

Problem solved!


> Le 16 nov. 2015 à 22:44, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de> a écrit :
> On 16.11.2015 08:08, Menu Jacques wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As it turns out, using \tempo solves the issue:
> Well, it depends on what you’re typesetting there, but a \tempo indication 
> will always move to the topmost staff, so this is at least very fragile.
> But how about:
> %%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.30"
> \relative f {
>  \clef "bass" \key f \major \time 4/4
>  g,2 \f
>  -\tweak self-alignment-X #0  % move horizontally to the left
>  ^"Bassi"
>  des''4 \p ^"Vcl." ( c4 ) | % 18
> }
> %%%%%%%%%
> That’s closer to what the artisanal engraver did, at least for the "Bassi".
> HTH, Simon
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