On Mon 09 Nov 2015 at 17:00:51 (+0100), Menu Jacques wrote:
> Hello David,
> The docs say that the part that « receives » a Cue is usually made of rests, 
> but not what happens if they contain actual notes.
> Removing the last eight in the Cue avoids the problem, of course.
> I tried with cueDuringWithClef, but then the four first eights at the 
> beginning of the cue’d music don’t appear, even though the examples in the 
> docs work fine. 
> That beats me, see second part of the attached files.

I'm not the right David, but just looking at the picture and at the
source for it, I can't understand two things (at a superficial level):

Why is the length of

HautboisAvantChiffreSept = \relative gis' {
  %  \tweak staff-position #-1 r4
  gis8 \mf \< ( a |
  b [ cis d e ] |
  fis2 -> ) \! ~ |
  fis4 e8 ( d |
  d4 cis ) |
  r8 cis ( [ bis cis ]  |
  e [ d b fis ] |
  fis4 gis |
  a8 )
  s |
\addQuote "HautboisAvantChiffreSept" { \HautboisAvantChiffreSept }

at 8½ bars not the same as

  \cueDuringWithClef #"HautboisAvantChiffreSept" #UP #"treble" {
    R2*8 |
    % \clef "bass"
    gis,8 \f ( [ a8 ] | % 90

at 9¼ bars?

And why compress whole-rest bars when you're setting the cue's notes
through them?


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