On Fri 06 Nov 2015 at 08:57:36 (+0100), Marc Hohl wrote:
> Am 05.11.2015 um 21:05 schrieb David Wright:

> > NBSP = \lyricmode { " " } % non-breakable space

> Thanks for these ideas, I'll give it a try!

Posting things here makes you check things out. I have one .ily with

NBSP = \lyricmode { " " }

and another with

NBSP = \markup { " " }

AFAICT the latter works everywhere that the former does, but also in
a few extra places too.

My actual .ily files don't contain those "" because they're not
needed; I added them to the posting for clarity. (I notice that the
NBSP character itself didn't survive your quoting mechanism so I
re-inserted it above.) But it might be safer to write

NBSP = \markup { \char ##x00A0 }

to prevent any loss during cut-and-paste etc, and that's what I've
finally settled on.


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