Hello !

I would like to write a dialogue text on a score in such a way that
the text automatically spans over multiple lines or page, a bit like
what is done with lyrics :

\version "2.18.2"

melody = \relative c'' {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  \repeat unfold 172 c4

verse = \lyricmode {
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed
nunc nunc. Vivamus nunc quam, mollis eget dui vitae, ultrices sagittis
massa. Nunc condimentum, risus eget facilisis iaculis, erat erat
consequat nisl, sed tincidunt dui nibh quis felis. Fusce ut vulputate
enim. Sed vestibulum dui in elit vestibulum viverra. Quisque ligula
neque, viverra eu dictum et, gravida id dui. Proin fermentum ligula
nec urna fermentum volutpat. Sed id metus imperdiet, cursus magna id,
finibus est. Nulla facilisi. Mauris dui tellus, tincidunt quis erat
eu, iaculis aliquet ante. Quisque sem urna, lobortis quis ultricies
eget, porta non justo. Aliquam varius porta porta.

\score {
  \new Staff { \melody }
  \addlyrics { \verse }
  \layout { }

but without linking the text to notes, or manually enter duration for each word.

I found this example in the doc (section 2.1.6) :

music = \relative c'' {
  \repeat unfold 3 { a4 a a a }

dialogue = \lyricmode {
  \markup {
    \fontsize #1 \upright \smallCaps Abe:
    "Say this over measures one and"
  "two"4 |
  "and this over measure"4*3
  "three"4 |

\score {
    \new Lyrics \with {
      \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
      \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
    { \dialogue }
    \new Staff {
      \new Voice { \music }

However, if I use this method it looks that I have to manually split
the text in blocs that fit on 1 line (unless I missed something).
I would like to have a way to tell Lilypond : "Say this over measures
1 to 10" (some long text) then "say this over measure 12 and 13".

Is there such a functionality, or some trick to achieve it ?

Thanks !
Best regards,

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